Click the toggles to learn more about each category.
- Test: Normative vs Descriptive Statements = 10%
- Open Book Reading Quizzes = 30%
- Homework Assignments = 15%
- Two Case Analysis Assignments = 20%
- One Short Timed Paper = 20%
- Exit Survey = 5%
Where to Submit
All quizzes and assignments will be completed and submitted through the course's Blackboard site.
Late Assignment Policy
Homework Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a 20% penalty for the first 24 hours, after which they will no longer be accepted.
Case Analysis Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a 20% penalty for the first 24 hours, after which they will no longer be accepted.
- NOTE: If you require an extension owing to personal circumstances you must reach out to me ahead of the deadline and I may consider an extension, but only in exceptional cases.
- NOTE: I do not plan to offer any extra credit or other makeup assignments. If any such assignments are given they will be for the whole class and will not be given to individual students.
- NOTE: There is no final exam for this course.