<aside> 🗣 I hope these tips can be helpful for you, especially if this is your first time taking an asynchronous course or a course with substantial asynchronous elements. Don’t skip this. It’s important to your overall success. — Prof. HS


  1. Get to Know this Website

    Review the course website to be sure that you understand course expectations, and learn how you can connect with me when you need support.

  2. Create a Schedule

    This is super important. Create a schedule for your time, as though you were taking a normal, scheduled class. Block out additional times when you will regularly work on assignments. As a general rule, you should try to allot 5-6 hours per week for our 3-credit course. If you can, divide your studies into smaller chunks of time. Be realistic, too, about other important commitments, including work, extracurricular activities and self care.

  3. Tune Out Distractions

    Find one or more spaces where you feel most productive, and go there when it’s time to focus on school. If you don’t have any such spaces, try to find one or create one.

    You should treat this online, asynchronous class like in-person class time. Tune out distractions around you, including notifications (mute them) and having extra browser tabs open (close them or they will command your attention). This may also mean setting clear boundaries with family and friends (which may be difficult).

  4. Make the Content Yours

    Find a way to turn your course content into something that belongs to you. Take notes, create a study guide or annotate the readings directly on the website (instructions on how to do so can be found on this page). Not only will you retain the information better, but you’ll thank yourself when it comes time to prepare for the quizzes and the final paper.

  5. Connect Often

    Taking an online course does not mean that you are going it alone. Check the syllabus to learn about regular ways to connect with me and leave comments on the website.

  6. Complete Assignments On Time

    Set reminders for deadlines in your calendar. Build in extra time for assignments in case things don’t go according to plan, and be aware of relevant policies about late or incomplete work. If taking your quizzes, avoid extra stress by leaving time in case you run into tech issues. If a technical problem does arise at the last minute, take a deep breath, take a screenshot and email me immediately.

  7. Hold Yourself Accountable

    Hold yourself accountable to your goals for the semester and the schedule you set, including time for life outside of your classes.

  8. Take Care of Yourself

    Do something regularly that brings you joy! If you can, prioritize activities that take you away from screens and keep you safely connected with family and friends. And, of course, it’s always good advice to eat healthy, exercise and get a good night’s sleep.

Modified from: https://www.ae.udel.edu/tips-for-online-success/